The positions that are currently available are listed below.
In order to apply for a job, please complete the registration form on this page and upload your CV to our database.
Positions currently available:
PHP system developer |
Octoplus develops web-based workflow and e-Learning systems for Higher Education, Agriculture and Environmental industries. We are currently looking for an experienced PHP developer that has worked with PHP frameworks in a Linux, Apache and MySQL environment.
- A degree in Computer Science, BIT or related.
- Three years of PHP and MySQL programming experience
- PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, jQuery, Vue web technologies
- Worked with frameworks such as Laravel or CakePHP.
- Architectures such as RESTful Web Services, Workflow systems and LMS's.
Registration form:
Working environment and equal opportunities
Octoplus is proud to be part of the new South Africa and we support its values of non-racism, non-sexism and equal opportunity.
Octoplus subscribes to the principle of equality and employment equity in the workplace and commits itself to a strategy by which potential employees from historically disadvantaged communities are provided with opportunities to achieve their full potential. We offer 1-to-1 task related training and recognise the need for disadvantaged groups to prepare them for and support them in career advancement. Octoplus continues to promote a climate, which encourages its employees to reach their maximum potential and to provide a participative management environment.